i am watching a roach crawl across the wall in the office at work, ick. i am wondering if someone will bust in and catch me on the computer. i am one more step closer to leaving--yesterday i got kicked out of my parking spot by the police. they said it was illegal to live in a van. they were called there on a grass and weed violation, probably by the tenant that was being evicted by my landlord. so, i'm out 10 days earlier than i thought. there is more to the story which i'll share, maybe later tonight...
Holy Shit girl...Illegal to live in a van...What are they going to come up with next? Don't they have enough people to harrass with the DNC going on? Shouldn't they be bustin' everyone else's skulls??
Talk to ya soon
Illegal to live in a van? that is outrageous in the land of the FREE!
This news frustrates me right to the core. I can't even describe how much the police can get on my nerves. That said, you can always just come to Ashland. There are some truly gnarly-ass vans here. Yours would not be the gnarliest one present. There's a guy with an old gnarly beast who cut a huge hole in his roof and riveted on his own 'hi top' that looks to be made out of a boat or something. There's others out there too. Cops certainly can be a pain in the ass. You're paying for the fucking spot, for lord's sake. Why is it illegal for people to make informed decisions about how to live? I don't think it is - but I also bet it's not worth the hassle of going to court to get the final word. I'd park your beast right on some residential street, and just go there for sleeping and cooking and stuff. Move around some, of course. As I recall, there are some pretty wild and strange vehicles parked on the streets in your area.
Urggg...Yeah, I've heard there are ordinances all over the place that places like MOtel 6 et al push for to make sure there is a market for hotel services. That really blows. Sorry to hear it. Going to read your 'part two' now to see how it turned out.
Is it illegal to be homeless I wonder? If not then I would just totally tell the police I'm homeless and ask if they know of a soup kitchen that serves beer...
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