my man and I have been dreaming up our next move, our escape from the rather expensive rental market in this university town, and it looks like it might be a vintage travel trailer. older than the chateau, one we have in mind is a '71 Holiday Rambler, 26ft and in "excellent" condition. we're going to check it out tomorrow or saturday and i will regale you with tales of it's glory. finding the trailer will be the easy part, in the surrounding region there are literally thousands to choose from between craigslist and dealers. finding an awesome place to park it and full time live in it during the school year is proving to be the greater challenge. the rv park i called today that seemed very promising charges 495 a month (all utilities included, but still that's the cost of a small apartment)!! so far the only affordable options are the mobile home parks, and those which allow dogs are solidly in the dumpy category. i am pretty ok with it, seeing as i've lived in my van on the street and all... but S is less enthralled. he's fully on board with the financial side of it though. we would take out a loan from a family member to buy the trailer, fix it up, and pay off our credit card debt, and that loan would be paid off in 3 years. the loan payment plus the "lot rent" we pay for the trailer will cost almost half of our current housing + credit card payments, and being debt free (except student loans of course) in three years or less seems like a magical fairy tale land we very much want to inhabit.
anyone who still reads this blog full-timing in a vintage rig in a college town? :) i know nothing about the whole plumbing thing since the chateau had only a sink that drained onto the ground. it seems scary to have a shower, toilet, and sink that actually works like a sink with hot water and everything. how will i avoid all the possible pitfalls? i guess i probably won't, it's just not my nature.
i've been staying up way too late thinking about all this stuff. tonight is no exception.
My new novel BETS is now available in the world!
2 months ago
Glad you are back! Tried to follow what happened to the chateau's new life but it disappeared too. We have an RV and once you get used to the smaller hot water heater capacity showers are no problem.
God Almighty, have mercy on our souls...
Precisely why I had my epiphany: wanna see a perfectly cognizant, fully-spectacular, Son-ripened-Heaven?? … yet, I’m not sure if we're on the same page if you saw what I saw. Greetings, earthling. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s Big-Bang’s gonna be like: meet this advanced, bombastic, ex-mortal Upstairs for the most extra-groovy-paradox, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy-Reality-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, robust-N-risqué-passion you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-smmmokin’-hot-deal. Cya soon, doll…
guess this blog is long dead.........
yep, I think you be right.
W T F I say to you. To blog or not to blog. Are you really so busy you cannot inform us every detail of your life? We want it all, every last were really cool as a waitress living in your now you went all corporate on us?
Love chris. 7:21 blogspot
W T F I say to you. To blog or not to blog. Are you really so busy you cannot inform us every detail of your life? We want it all, every last were really cool as a waitress living in your now you went all corporate on us?
Love chris. 7:21pm blogspot
Summer has become a reality, so I am fully alive. It doesn't get dark until 9 o'clock. There has been plenty of sun. Thus: I am a happy dude. I am spending most of my days in Kennett Square dealing with a balance of travel preparations and work.
I am in the middle of a big switcheroo. I'm typically pretty bad at dealing with any sort of to-do list. It's not that I can't focus - it's that I can't control what I am focused on at any given time. Finding a balance between projects and work is rough - but I'm managing. I need to balance three things: 1) Fix the old van and sell it. It's in the shop with some kinda fuel issue that is making it hesitate and stutter sometimes. 2) Get the Toyota Sienna into livable travel mode. It also needs a little mechanical work. 3) Work. Make money. I've been slacking hard, and my income is starting to reflect that.
Chilling out in the back of the Sienna is pretty rad. I have almost nothing in there. I sit around in there and watch movies on my laptop at night. I took out all the seats, including unbolting the back seats and removing them. Now there is a big pit in the back where the seats used to fold flat into the floor. That's going to be a storage area with plywood lids over it to create a level floor.
Some bug screens and ventilation would be a big help. A roof fan is on the way. I could have used that on the second night I was sleeping in the Sienna. I woke up and the air was all stuffy, so I opened the side door. I immediately fell back asleep and woke up an hour later with many mosquitoes hard at work. Not optimal. Luckily, I was in my parents' driveway, so I just got up and went inside to sleep.
Who knows. I think the little van is going to be a fantastic road home. Owning a quiet, smooth, small vehicle is a welcome new experience. I can't wait to get it set up the way I want it so I can finally see if it is too small or not. If it is too small, I will still keep it for 6 months or a year and see if I can adapt. If it is not too small, then I will simply be the King Of The Planet. Either way, I will have a camperized Toyota Sienna for awhile, and lessons of some sort will be learned.
Chris Harne
The Loan Fund worked extensively with me to help me anticipate some of the issues that my business may face. Not many lenders would go to that length. They’ve been extremely supportive and a great resource.
Working with Mr Pedro helped me develop my business plan, ideas and brand before getting started, so I was prepared to open a successful business when I received my loan from Mr Pedro, a loan officer with a huge heart of honesty.
Contact Mr Pedro on
Hello everyone on here my name is Fumo Sadiku living in Malindi City Kenyan I want to tell a little more about a good hearted man called Mr Pedro working with funding service as loan officer, Mr Pedro helped me get a loan of 37,115,225.00 Shillings on my trying time trying to get back on my feet to raise my business I know there are some of you here who are in financial difficulties to talk to Mr Pedro I'm so glad for what he did for me and for his Bank accountant as well Accountant Hernandez Lucas Thank you very much for your work well done.
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